7.17 SEPA clearing times (non-urgent transfers in EUR to SEPA countries)

Standard (non-urgent) transfers in euro to the EEA countries are performed via the SEPA system using an IBAN account.

Transfers may cost more, if the beneficiary's bank is not a participant of the SEPA area.

Time of money transfers:

Submitted for execution * Approximate time of crediting to the client's account
6:45 AM – 8:50 AM 11:10 AM
8:50 AM – 9:30 AM 11:10 AM
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM 1:40 PM
12:00 PM – 2:30 PM 4:10 PM
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM 5:40 PM
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM 5:40 PM
4:45 PM – 6:45 AM on the following business day at 9:00 AM

EXCEPTION: when transferring money on business days to Lithuanian banks Citadelė, Medicinos bankas, Šiaulių bankas, Lithuanian Credit Union, Vilnius credit union, CSDL Registrar of personal accounts, Lithuanian post, Perlas services, European Merchant Bank, General Financing, United Central Credit Union, LTL Credit Union, AB Mano Bankas, UAB PayRay, "Rato" Credit Union, Credit Union "Saulėgrąža", and Credit Union "Taupa" transfers are performed as follows:

Submitted for execution * Approximate time of crediting to the client's account
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. up to 15 min.
6:00 PM – 8:00 AM 8:15 AM

*Note! Payment processing can take up to 5 minutes.