3.06 Your phone number has changed and you cannot log in to your Paysera account

If you have a new phone number and cannot log in to your account, contact Client Support regarding adding the new phone number. Please note that, in order to add a new phone number to your Paysera account, first, for security reasons, we will have to identify you once again via video call.
NB. One phone number may be added and used only by one Paysera client. If a phone number has already been used and has been approved for another person, you will not be able to add it to your account.

Paysera's client video call identification is performed via the Google Meet video communication service.
In order to make a video call, please contact Paysera Customer Service by phone. During the call, a consultant will email you a link to the Google Meet call.

When a client joins a video call via the Google Meet link sent to them – identification is performed instantly.

A video call via Google Meet can be performed using:
A computer – the link to the video call can be opened as usual, simply through the browser you normally use.
Your phone – you must download the Google Meet app before the call.

After clicking on the Google Meet link in the email, click on the "Ask to Join" button – you will be redirected to a video call with a consultant, and you will be able to complete the phone call.

Please be informed that:
- The owner of the account must be alone during the video call;
- During the video call, the owner of the account must show the document that has been verified in the Paysera system;
- The quality of the camera, microphone, and internet connection must meet the requirements of optimal quality standards;
- The client must consent to the recording of the video and the collection and processing of personal data for the purposes and under the terms of the Paysera Privacy Policy: https://www.paysera.com/v2/en-GB/legal/privacy-policy.

Please note that if the client does not agree to the recording of the video, the call cannot be performed.