10.20 How to create multi-use tickets, event groups, or season tickets?

How to create multi-use tickets?

Multi-use tickets are tickets that can be used multiple times. All tickets can be made multi-use, but the default number of uses is one – just like any regular ticket. When you are creating tickets choose – Ticket usage, and make adjustments.

Usage by count or duration

The event organiser can choose how many times or for how long the buyer can use the ticket – you must either enter the count or select the duration period.

Multi-use tickets by count could be tickets to Karate or Yoga classes.
Multi-use tickets by duration could be tickets to the swimming pool, sauna, etc.

NB: For a better experience and easier management of duration-based multi-use tickets – use the Paysera Tickets app when scanning tickets.

Date – use from, use until

This setting is useful when the organiser sells tickets that can be used only during a specific period.

For example, September tickets can only be used from 09-01 until 09-30.

Time – use from, use until

Limiting tickets to certain hours could be used when the organiser sells tickets that can only be used during a specific time of the day.

For example, only during morning hours, like a cheaper fitness club ticket valid only from 08:00 until 12:00.


The organiser can select the specific weekdays on which the ticket can be used.

For example, a work-days-only fitness club ticket, valid from Monday till Friday.

How to create an event group?

Event groups are several different events grouped together so they are all in one place and can be shared using one link. However, all events in the group can have separate descriptions, images, times, prices, etc.

1. Create a new group. To create an event group with new or existing events, go to My event groups and choose to create a new group.

2. Describe it. Enter the name of the event group, description, and, optionally, add an image to represent the whole group.

3. Add events. Select the events you want to add to the group

4. Check the page. Once the event group is created, you can see how the group’s page will look.

How to create season tickets?

Season tickets are an extension of event groups – it provides the ability to buy a single ticket to all the events in the group.

For example, the organiser might want to sell a single ticket for all the games of the basketball season, or an art school can sell one ticket to all the different art classes that are happening that year – sculpture, painting, drawing, etc.

1. Import or create events. In the event group editing form you will have the possibility to import an existing or create a new event, to which tickets you will be able to sell as season tickets.  Every ticket bought in the imported event will be converted to a ticket for every event found in the group.

2. Configure every ticket type in the imported event.

  1. Seat selection. If the event has seat-selection, you will have to choose how seating will be handled in all the events of the group: 
    • "Remain the same" option means that once the person buys a ticket they will have the same seat throughout all the events in the group;
    • "Change seats" option will allow buyers to select seats individually for every event in the group.
  2. Re-selling tickets. The organiser can also decide whether or not the buyer can put the ticket they bought back up for sale. This possibility is useful when the buyer cannot attend the event for some reason, and there is a high demand for tickets, like during national basketball games. If the option is given, the buyer will be able to put the ticket up for sale in their buyer’s account.

3. Assigning reservations. If you have a seating plan, on the final “Configuration” tab in the event group editing page, you will have to map ticket types from the imported event to the appropriate reservations in the seating plans of all the events in the group – the system must know where season ticket buyers will sit during every event in the group.

4. Re-selling tickets. The most important setting at this stage is the "refund to buyer amount" and "sale price" fields that you can adjust yourself.

  1. Sale price – For how much the ticket will be re-sold.
  2. Refund to buyer amount – How much the initial buyer will be refunded for the ticket in case it is re-sold.

Refunding re-sold season tickets

All information about the re-sold season tickets will be available in the overview page of your event group.

NB: The organiser is responsible for refunding re-sold season tickets.
Only a single refund is allowed – please make refunds only when all the events in the group have ended.