7.10 Payment (transfer) cancellation

If you performed and signed the transfer but would like to cancel it, firstly, check your transfer status.

Website: select Transfers > List of Transfers > Not executed. You will see the option to cancel, if it is still possible. In this case, check the box next to the transfer and click Cancel selected.

Mobile app: on the main screen > click on the performed transfer > on the bottom of your screen, click on Cancel.

If there is no option to cancel, please follow the instructions below:

Transfers to other Paysera users – 1. The recipient of the funds (the beneficiary) must agree to send the money back to you. We're sure you understand that without their consent, we're unable to make any cancellations.
2. We need your confirmation that you agree to a small fee of 2 EUR being deducted for this process. To begin with the process, your agreement to these conditions is necessary.

SEPA and SEPA Instant transfers – If you would like to cancel a SEPA or SEPA Instant transfer, please keep in mind that this can only be done if you agree with the terms below:

- You understand and acknowledge that this refund can only happen if the recipient's bank is willing to work with us and if the recipient also agrees to return the money.
-  While we at Paysera charge a fee for this service, the recipient's bank might also have its own set of fees, which we unfortunately can't specify.
- Our fee will be charged regardless of whether the money ends up back in your account.
- The duration of the payment return process depends on how quickly a response will be received from the beneficiary bank. In our experience, it may take up to a month.
If you agree with these conditions, please provide the following information to us to proceed with the cancellation process:

- Date of the transfer
- Recipient's name
- Amount transferred
- Payment number
- Confirmation that you agree to the Paysera fee for this service

International and non-euro transfers – If you're considering getting the transferred funds back, we suggest starting by having a chat with the recipient and seeing if you both can agree on a refund. If that doesn't work out, we'd be more than happy to help you cancel the payment. Just keep in mind that this can only be done if you're on board with the terms we've outlined below.

- You understand and acknowledge that this refund can only happen if the recipient's bank is willing to work with us and if the recipient also agrees to return the money.
- While we at Paysera charge a fee, the recipient's bank might also have its own set of fees, which we unfortunately can't specify.
- Our fee will be charged regardless of whether the money ends up back in your account.
- The duration of the payment return process depends on how quickly a response will be received from the beneficiary bank. In our experience, it may take up to a month.

You can find more information and the cancellation fees here.