23.11 What delivery types are available?

  • Courier - Courier. A courier comes to a specified location to pick up a parcel - a courier delivers the parcel to the recipient's address. 
  • Courier - Parcel locker. A courier comes to a specified location to pick up a parcel and delivers it to the customer's parcel locker - the customer collects their parcel from the parcel locker.
  • Parcel locker - Parcel locker. Merchants themselves drop the parcel off at the customer's locker - the customer collects their parcel from the parcel locker.
  • Parcel locker - Courier. Merchants themselves drop the parcel off at the customer's locker - a courier delivers the parcel to the recipient's address.

Note: Merchants themselves choose which delivery methods to offer to their customers.

More about the Delivery service

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