10.13. How to create a buyer registration form?

  1. Log in to the Paysera Tickets self-service.
  2. Choose the event you want to create a discount code for and select Edit.

   3. In the left menu, select BUYER DATA FIELDS and click on CREATE DATA FIELD.

4. In the buyer data field enter the following:

  • field name – it will be available to the buyer
  • field type – depending on your need, select whether you will allow the user to enter the text, select the date or one of several response variants
  • set whether the field is mandatory
  • select for whom this field will be displayed:
    • For the order – this field will be displayed once at the order.
    • For every ticket – the field will be displayed at every ticket. I.e. if a buyer buys 10 tickets, they will have to fill in this field at every ticket.

5. To be able to create a data field with answer variants, select the most suitable type of the field. In the opened list of options, by clicking the button “Add option”.

When buying, the data field looks as follows: