9.19 My card has expired, what should I do?

The Visa payment card is valid for 4 years.

On the first day of the expiration month, our card issuer checks if the expiring card has been actively used over the previous 90 days.

Cards which have been actively used will be automatically reissued by our card issuer 30 days before the expiration date.

The delivery address for automatically reissued cards is the one you have last used for card orders in the Paysera system. If necessary, you can update you card delivery address by logging to website, go to Settings > Profile Settings > Address details > Visa card delivery address.

45 days before the expiration date, Paysera will send you an email as a reminder that the card is expiring, so that you can change your delivery address if necessary. Notification email is sent to the main email address of the card account owner.

Standard fees apply for the manufacture and delivery of a new card, which are automatically deducted from your Paysera account.