9.15 What limits apply to the Visa payment card?

The maximum daily limit of transactions applicable to Visa payment card is 10,000 EUR.

For withdrawal of cash at ATMs, a separate maximum daily limit of 600 EUR is applied. This limit can be increased at the request of the client up to 1200 EUR or 2000 EUR (there are additional conditions)

If you think that the 10,000 EUR limit is too high for you and you would like to reduce it, you may do this by logging in to your Paysera account and on the left hand side selecting Accounts and Cards > Payment Cards > click on the card number > Account Limits.

Set the maximum daily limit for online payments and payments at stores. When two or more cards share the same Visa card account, then they share the limits of the account.

For increasing ATM withdrawal limits, please contact Customer Support by phone.