1.08 Security of money on accounts

Since 2012, Paysera is a licensed e-money institution which has a right to perform activities related to the issuing of e-money and provision of payment services in all countries of the European Union. The electronic money institution licence was issued by the Bank of Lithuania. The institution is periodically inspected and audited by the central bank of the Republic of Lithuania. It ensures transparent and impeccable activities and monitoring of financial indicators. The official website of the Bank of Lithuania: www.lb.lt.

Money held in Paysera accounts is protected by article 25(1) of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Electronic Money and Electronic Money Institutions.

Funds of clients:

  • are held only in special bank accounts exclusively for keeping the funds of the clients;
  • are NOT used for the needs of the company, loans, or investments;
  • cannot be subject to recovery of debts of the electronic money institution.

More on security is available here.