2.04 How to grant permissions to another person on the company’s account?

A corporate account can be managed by the head of a company and other employees who have been granted such rights in the system by the head.

In order for the head of a company to grant permissions to perform transactions in the corporate Paysera account to other employees, the employees must be identified Paysera clients.

How to grant permission to another person?
1. To grant permission, log in to your account, on the left-hand menu, select Settings > Limits, Rights, Permissions > Rights and transfer limits and click on Create new permission;
2. Enter the employee’s User-ID or registered email address or registered phone number (login name) and click on Add;
3. In the opened window, indicate the rights and limits you want to grant and click on  Save. The granted rights and limits will come into force in 12 hours.