3.03 Change of account limits

In case you want to change account limits, log in to your Paysera account, select Settings > Limits, Rights, Permissions from the left-hand menu and, in the opened window, click on Rights and transfer limits. Then, at the table of transfer limits, click on Change limits, make changes to your limits and save the changes. Please note that new limits come into force in 12 hours.

Please be reminded that private persons, in order to become unlimited, should take an additional identification step – confirming their identity by making a video call or by visiting our branch in Pilaitės pr. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania. The rules for a video call are available on the Paysera account Settings > Limits, Rights, Permissions > Complete authentication > Perform. If standard limits are sufficient for you, this action is not necessary.

NB. Business clients can change limits on their corporate accounts at their convenience. Additional identification (e.g. by making a video call with Google meet) is not necessary.