3.02 I haven't received the additional login confirmation code via SMS

If you have not received an additional login confirmation code via SMS, before requesting another SMS, please take the following actions:
- Phone memory: make sure your phone has enough memory to receive a new SMS.
- Roaming mode: make sure your phone isn't in roaming mode – receiving texts isn't always guaranteed when in roaming mode.
- Prepaid SIM card: if you have a prepaid SIM card, double-check that your account validity period isn't over. And remember, in some countries, if you run out of credit on your SIM card, you may not be able to receive SMS.
- 2 SIM cards: if you use 2 SIM cards (dual SIM) in your device, just make sure both numbers can receive SMS messages. Some devices and add-ons allow using dual SIM but not all permit the SMS reception to both numbers. In this case, it might be worth trying to use only one card and then sending the message again.
- Restart phone: try turning your phone off and then on again.

If after performing the mentioned actions and repeating the actions to receive a code, you are still unable to receive the code to your phone, please contact us and provide answers to these questions:
1. Are you experiencing any mobile connection problems currently?
2. Are you able to receive other SMS messages?

After receiving the information, we will search for causes of the malfunction and provide you with answers.